Lesser Spotted Classics

What can I say about my new book, Lesser Spotted Classics?

The book is a joint venture with Russ Wallis, a very talented professional illustrator who also happens to hold a degree in Automotive Design. I supplied the text and Russ took care of the artwork and layout.

That’s fine and dandy, I hear you say, but what’s it about? The short answer is that it contains a series of narrative pieces, each running to about 1000 words, which tell the stories behind 21 cars that are a very rare sight on UK roads. The cars featured in the book range from mass produced family cars to very low-volume sports cars, but all have two things in common: they were – and remain – interesting and, of course, they’re very thin on the ground (or, if you prefer, road).

Each narrative piece is accompanied by a bespoke white and black image of the car in question. Our principal reason for using black and white was because it kept printing costs – and hence the price of the book – down. As it turned out, the images look great in black and white. The book is presented in landscape format in order to better display the images. Again, this works very well.

As with all my other books, a proportion of the royalties (25% of the amount paid to Russ and me by Amazon) will go to charity. So, as I always say, by buying a copy of the book you will be helping good causes.

The book is available from Amazon and is printed and supplied locally in a number of countries. You’ll find it by searching for ‘Lesser Spotted Classics’ on your local Amazon website. Those in the UK will find it here.

And that’s it. I’m not one for bigging-up my work, so you won’t find any hype or bull here. All I will say is that Russ and I both like it (it wouldn’t have seen the light of day if we didn’t) and we hope that others like it too.

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